WILTSHIRE Council has come good on their promise to paint 20mph speed limit signs on the roads of the Kenilworth Gardens estate, but local residents are wondering if this will be enough to slow people down.
The 20mph limit was enforced on Kenilworth Gardens, Longford Road and the surrounding estate between Semington Road and Spa Road in December last year, but this appeared to have no affect, with residents reporting in March that the roads were still being used as a ‘race track’.
At the end of April the council got to work painting the signs at several points along the road, as well as placing speed strips at entrance points to the estate.
Local resident Mike Gorringe said, “The signs are excellent.”
However, he added, “Some drivers take notice. But so far it does not seem to have affected those in a rush on the school run and the boy racers at night.
“One thing that does worry me is when the children are around on their scooters. The older kids use their scooters on the road. It’s an accident waiting to happen.”
With Wiltshire Council unable to provide the funding for speed bumps, the road markings might be the last hope for residents.
Mike said, “I hate speed bumps, but it could be the only way to slow people down. All we can do is watch and see what happens. It is up to the residents to report any speeding to the police and to the council.”