RUMOURS that the Melksham Campus will not be going ahead have been denied by Wiltshire Council.
In recent weeks speculation has been rife in the town that Wiltshire Council is about to announce that plans for the new leisure facilities on the Melksham House site are to be scrapped. A rumour has also been circulating about the future of Melksham Blue Pool, with some residents reporting that they have heard that it could be closed.
An update on the campus is due at next month’s Melksham Area Board meeting from Wiltshire Council’s Robin Townsend who had taken over from Laurie Bell as director for communities. About the update due in February, Wiltshire councillor and town councillor, Pat Aves, told Melksham News, “We are not expecting good news.”
Wiltshire councillor and town councillor, Jon Hubbard, has also expressed his frustration at the lack of information on the progress of the campus plans. “We are now, it seems, even further away from getting the new facility than ever – with the planning application promised for October last year still yet to be seen by anyone,” said cllr Hubbard. “It’s time that we are told the truth, not more excuses.”
In response to the rumours and speculation, both Melksham News and cllr Hubbard approached Wiltshire Council’s Robin Townsend for further information. Cllr Hubbard told Melksham News, “I got a categoric denial that the campus plans have been cancelled and a promise of a full update at the next area board.”
A direct response from Robin Townsend was not received by Melksham News.
Wiltshire Council was also approached to comment on the progress of the campus, which was last reported in December last year to still be on track for completion in 2021 despite a delay in producing detailed designs for the campus and the submission of a planning application.
A Wiltshire Council spokesperson said, “We continue to work hard with partners in developing the campus, and as always, we will provide the community and stakeholders with an update on the progress at the next area board on 13th February.
“We have no plans to shut the Blue Pool and our intention is to keep it open until the campus is finished.”