A range of activity packs have been created by Wiltshire Council to support people during the current stay-at-home restrictions.
The packs are suitable for everyone but have been designed with specific audiences in mind – adults, older people, those with a disability, young people, and individuals who previously took part in Wiltshire Council swimming and gymnastics sessions. Each pack contains tailored ideas for people to get active, be creative, stay in contact and keep focussed, all from the comfort of their own home.
They are part of Wiltshire Council’s Active Communities online resources to support people during this difficult time. The resource page covers a variety of topics, including the various library services available online – rhyme times, story times, e-books/magazines, resources on getting creative through mediums like song, dance, art and literature and opportunities to explore Wiltshire’s history. The complete resources can be found at http://www.wiltshire.gov.uk/leisure-active-communities.
A parent of a young person that regularly attends the Wiltshire Council Gymnastics School, said “The Gymnastics School is an important part of my daughter’s weekly routine, the activity pack gives her the opportunity to stay active and have fun as well as learning new skills.
“Whilst the sessions aren’t running, this pack allows her to stay engaged with the programme, keep her skills current and she is also getting her important dose of daily exercise whilst staying at home!
“Great work and a big thank you to Wiltshire Council for putting the activity pack together.”
Walking footballer Tony Norton said “In these unprecedented times this is a fantastic pack put together by the Wiltshire Council team. There is only so much decorating and gardening anyone can do!
“This pack brought us some light relief and taking part in challenges has sparked a bit of competitive fun between myself and my wife.”
Cllr Allison Bucknell, Wiltshire Council Cabinet Member for Leisure and Communities, said: “ These activity packs are a brilliant initiative to make sure our residents stay active, entertained and connected during this period.
“Although theses packs target specific groups they are relevant and accessible to everybody, so I encourage as many people as possible to take a look at the packs and get involved.”
All the resources, as well as a host of other COVID-19 updates, guidance and support can also be found at http://www.wiltshire.gov.uk/public-health-coronavirus