Household recycling centres
We’ve had a lot of questions about when we’re going to reopen our household recycling centres (HRCs). We’re continuing to monitor the government advice closely, and we’re looking at ways in which we could safely reopen HRCs at some stage in the future.
There are lots of things to consider, but when we do reopen our HRCs, you can expect some significant changes at the sites to keep our staff and residents safe, including social distancing measures. We’re also likely to include a limit to the number of people and vehicles that can enter a site and we may reduce the amount of material types that you can dispose of.
We have 10 HRCs in Wiltshire, and each one presents its own challenges – particularly in terms of traffic management both inside and outside the gates – so what’s right for one site may not be right for another.
But whatever the changes on each site, we expect very long queues, so if you can store your waste safely, or you can put your recycling in the usual kerbside collections, we’d strongly recommend you do so.
If you have large or bulky items, we’re still collecting these from your home for a small charge; find out more.
We’ll update you on our plans soon, including opening times and any restrictions that will be in place, but in the meantime, please don’t fly-tip or employ unlicensed waste carriers to dispose of your waste.
Friday 8 May is a bank holiday this year, but our waste crews will still be collecting as usual.
Celebrating VE Day at home
We have created a special VE Day at home pack to help residents of all ages celebrate and mark the 75th anniversary of this historic moment in time.
With social distancing measures still in place, the pack contains simple advice and suggestions on how to have a household garden party on Friday 8 May.
The pack also contains themed recipe ideas, a World War II/VE Day quiz and wordsearch, some suggested e-reading materials from our library service, craft ideas on how to make bunting and paperchains, 1940s-inspired games and songs to sing to keep the family entertained.
Read more and download the VE Day pack
VE Day message from Sarah Troughton, Lord Lieutenant of Wiltshire on behalf of HM The Queen
To see the video click HERE
Wiltshire Wellbeing Hub
Our Wellbeing Hub is changing its opening times on Friday 8 May due to the Bank Holiday.
It will be open 10.00am – 4.00pm as per our weekend opening times.
Top-up funding to local business grant schemes
The government has made a further £617 million available to support small businesses nationally, with ongoing fixed property-related costs. Priority will be given to businesses in shared spaces, regular market traders, small charity properties that would meet the criteria for Small Business Rates Relief and bed and breakfasts that pay council tax rather than business rates.
There will be three levels of grant payments; the maximum payment will be £25,000 but there will be grants of £10,000 and smaller amounts at our discretion.
We will be issuing these grants from this discretionary fund and are currently waiting to hear how much funding we will receive and further guidance on administering this scheme. We will confirm as soon as possible when businesses can start to apply for this funding.
Coronavirus Bounce Back Loan Scheme for small businesses
This scheme for small businesses is now available and will help SMEs to borrow between £2,000 and £50,000 from a network of accredited lenders to help their business to stay afloat. There is a simple online form which contains seven questions and most loans should arrive within 24 hours of approval.
Find out more about the Coronavirus Bounce Back Loan Scheme
Self-employed ready to make their claims
HMRC have begun to contact those self-employed people who may be eligible for support through the Self-employment Income Support Scheme. This scheme will enable the self-employed to claim a taxable grant worth 80% of their average trading profits up to a maximum of £7,500 (equivalent to three months’ profits), paid in a single instalment.
Those who are self-employed can also go online to check their eligibility, please have your Unique Taxpayer Reference (UTR) and your National Insurance Number to hand. Once the online check is complete, those who are eligible will be given a date when they can submit their claim.
The claims service will open on Wednesday 13 May and money will be paid within six working days of completing a form.