Wiltshire Mind is holding its Annual General Meeting on 19th September at 2pm at the King’s Arms Hotel, Market Place, Melksham.
All are warmly invited. The AGM will include a presentation from the Richmond Fellowship informing of their work in Wiltshire. There will also be a presentation from Wiltshire Mind chief executive.
Wiltshire Mind provides local support for anyone experiencing mental health issues, they provide: six support groups (Melksham, Trowbridge, Chippenham, Devizes, Malmesbury, Salisbury), groups for carers in Devizes and Chippenham and also an evening support group in Melksham. They also provide around 250 sessions per month of 1-1 counselling in Melksham and Trowbridge and also a Polish counselling service in Trowbridge. In addition, they provide mental health awareness training, stress/anxiety and mindfulness training to businesses/organisations.
To find out more about Wiltshire Mind please visit: www.wiltshiremind.co.uk
To find out more about our services email: office@wiltshiremind.co.uk or ring 01225 706532.