WE have seen a surge in neighbourliness as people look out for the vulnerable and talk to their neighbours more than ever – a silver lining to the cloud COVID-19 has cast over our daily lives.
In recognition of such a magnificent response, the theme of Neighbourhood Watch Week is ‘Celebrate Your Neighbours – Let’s Stay Connected’. For more information, please visit Neighbourhood Watch Network’s excellent new and informative website on www.ourwatch.org.uk
On behalf of Wiltshire NHW, I would like to take this opportunity to express the Association’s appreciation of the efforts made by its members and local people across Wiltshire and Swindon in supporting their local communities and their most vulnerable residents.
Looking forward, Wiltshire NHW welcomes the revitalisation of neighbourhood policing and evidence reveals that neighbourhood police officers and Police Community Support Officers are responding to the challenge, albeit in the face of additional demands since the outbreak of COVID-19. Our Association would wish to take this opportunity to acknowledge the strategic role undertaken by Wiltshire Police during the COVID-19 pandemic which has been commendable and reassuring.
Finally, in the spirit of ‘Let’s Stay Connected’ I invite recipients of this message to contact me to share their ideas and thoughts to ensure that the ‘new normal’ capitalises on the good neighbourliness so evident in recent months. We cannot underestimate the significance of being ‘good neighbours’ in supporting principles of community safety. If you wish to join your local NHW scheme or start a scheme go to www.ourwatch.org.ukfor information.
Paul Sunners, Chair Wiltshire NHW Association wnhwa.chair@gmail.com