MELKSHAM Without Parish Council has begun work on the Hornchurch Road play area to make it safe again.
The parish council took over ownership of the park from Bloor and Persimmon Homes in late April – a process that took 18 months to complete.
Within weeks of taking over the play area, the parish council quickly got to work, investing over £20,000 to resurface the area.
Parish clerk, Teresa Strange said, “We have had to wait for the area to dry before allowing heavy vehicles onto the grass. But now work has begun, we hope it will take around three and a half weeks to complete. It should hopefully re-open in early July.”
The parish council has other plans to improve the green space at Hornchurch Road.
Teresa said, “The council will also be building a 120m footpath to join the existing path, so there is one complete path around the playing field. This will hopefully start in the summer.
“We will also be consulting residents on the possible construction of a teen shelter – an area for older children to meet and socialise.”