THE dangers of using nitrous oxide, commonly known as laughing gas, have been highlighted by the deputy mayor of Melksham, cllr Sue Mortimer. Empty canisters of the gas are becoming a familiar sight on street pavements and parks including King George V playing field.
Cllr Mortimer has raised her concern saying, “Recently, I did a litter pick before the junior parkrun and there were a couple of dozen canisters and discarded balloons outside the café building in the park.
“I am concerned with the increased use, particularly amongst the younger people, as too few of them don’t realize what harm they may be doing to themselves. Young people who take the substance are taking exceptional risks with their health – with such a wide number of people now participating, people are beginning to think it is harmless fun. It is not harmless; its use might give you a short term high, but breathing problems, dangerously increased heart rate, possibly paralysis/long-term damage is no laughing matter. Please consider the risks – stay safe.”