GO Active are still providing free alternative sports for young people in and around Melksham for the summer holidays.
Open to all 12 to 19 year-olds, sessions offer a range of fun, alternative sports including zorb football and Battlezone archery. There is no need to book, just bring along a completed consent form which can be found on the Go Active website.
If you would like more information or to email consent then email the name of your child, their age, any medical conditions and an emergency contact number and state that you give permission for your child to participate to info@go-active.org.
Parental consent for all participants under 16 is needed. Consent forms are also available at the Young Melksham youth clubs and have also been emailed through Melksham Oak school.
The following activities will take place:
• Every Tuesday – Lye Field, Seend, 11.30am-1.30pm
• Every Tuesday – Field by Canberra Centre, Melksham, 3-5pm
• Every Thursday – Playing fields, East Melksham, 11.30am-1.30pm
• Every Thursday – Jubilee Sports Field, Bowerhill, 3-5pm
• Every Friday – Churchfields School Field, Atworth, 3-5pm
More information can be found on www.go-active.org