Pupils at Bowerhill Primary School have been set an exciting challenge to make a profit for the school and leave a lasting legacy, as part of an enterprise project.
The project will see the Year 6 pupils given a loan of £500 from Bowerhill Buddies, the Parent Teacher Association, to attempt to make a profit. Whatever profit they make, they can spend however they would like, to make the school a better place. This will be their legacy when they leave for secondary school.
“When we redesigned our curriculum in 2022, we sought the views of all stakeholders, including parents and carers, about what they wanted our children to learn and experience,” explained headteacher Chris Light.
“A big part of the parental feedback was around financial literacy and ‘real life’ skills. For the second year running, Year 6 were visited by Tom Porter from Tom Porter Wealth Management to run a financial workshop. During the day, the children learned about credit and debit, interest, the difference between borrowing and giving, risk and rewards, how to spot a scam and creating a financial strategy.
“The children will now work collaboratively, putting their new skills to the test by completing an enterprise project.
“Last year, the Year 6 children decided to put on a summer fayre and raised £1,800. Once Bowerhill Buddies received their loan repayment, the children decided to spend their £1,300 profit on playground equipment for the children they were leaving behind.
“We cannot wait to see what this year’s group come up with!”