In the past, conditions such as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, ME and Fibromyalgia were very difficult to diagnose and remained as chronic conditions.
Our osteopath, Louise Hull, and physiotherapist, Elinor Anderson, have been trained to assess these conditions using an approach developed by Dr. Raymond Perrin, an osteopath who has specialised in the research and treatment of these conditions since 1989.
Both conditions exhibit certain physical signs identified by Dr. Perrin that can be easily assessed and are currently undergoing the rigorous assessments required by NICE to include them in their guidelines. The treatment process developed from this research helps to improve functioning of the autonomic nervous system and lymphatic drainage.
Overall, this study has provided strong evidence that an important component of CFS/ME involves a disturbance of lymphatic drainage of the brain and muscles. The novel osteopathic treatment developed by Raymond Perrin has been statistically validated in both clinical trials, emphasising the need to focus future research on the biomechanical aspects of this disorder.
Dr Perrin has provided groundbreaking photographic evidence of varicose lymphatic vessels taken during a research project at Salford University which shows the “backflow” of lymphatic drainage that he believes is the cause of toxin build-up. It is this accumulation of toxins in the central nervous system, which Dr Perrin believes, is the cause of conditions such as chronic fatigue syndrome and ME.
Treatment involves teaching a self-effleurage technique to the clients alongside osteopathic treatment.
If you are interested in more information, contact or lowbourneosteopaths@ gmail. com or look at Dr. Perrin’s site www.theperrin
Find a Youtube video of the Perrin technique and interviews with patients at –