A CONSERVATIVE councillor has been disqualified from Melksham Town Council for failing to attend any council meetings in six months.
Claire Forgacs, who represented the Forest Ward, was expelled from the council and informed by the clerk that this was due to a rule which states that a councillor loses their seat if they fail to attend any council meetings for a continuous period of six months. This rule aims to ensure that councillors remain active participants in their duties and responsibilities.
Ms Forgacs is the only councillor in the last five years to have been removed under this regulation.
As the local elections are now only six months away, a by-election will not be held. Instead, the vacancy will be filled during the next councillor elections in May. Until then, the council may choose to fill the seat through co-option.
With Claire Forgacs’ departure, the Conservative group has lost its overall control of the council. The current composition now stands at five seats held by the Liberal Democrats, five by the Conservatives, and four by Independent members.
The council’s clerk, Tracy Predeath, said “Claire Forgacs was automatically disqualified for non-attendance for over 6 months.”