MELKSHAM dog owners are campaigning for improvements to be made to the ‘dog park’ in King George V playing field.
Whilst the group has described the off-lead dog area – which opened last year on the site of the former play area – as a ‘fabulous’ facility, they are asking for a safe entrance and a water point for their dogs to drink from.
Leading the campaign is Caroline Fielding, who visits the dog park with her guide dog, Mike, at least three times a week. Her petition for the changes has already attracted over 100 signatures.
In response to the dog owners’ concerns, new deputy mayor, cllr Sue Mortimer, has said she will bring both ‘worthy ideas’ for debate at an upcoming council meeting.
About her concerns, Caroline said, “There are two things sadly lacking at the dog park, which would make life much safer and improve the park for all dogs and owners. Firstly, a safe entrance and secondly, a water point.
“The entrance needs a double-gate system, which would serve as a lobby area. Currently, when I enter or exit the park, I cannot see to check if there are any dogs about, that are making a dash for freedom when the gate is opened.
“There have been a couple of close calls where dogs have almost got out and only the vigilance of the owners have stopped this happening. All the dog owners I have met in the park are extremely responsible and watch their dogs really well. However, it only takes a moment for a dog to run out of the gate when their owner is distracted, for example, when an owner is picking up a gift left by one of their dogs. The exit to the main park isn’t far away and Lowbourne road is very busy. This would be a tragedy easily avoided by having a lobby area.
“All dog parks I have been to seem to have this as a standard safety feature. A lobby area enables anyone leaving the park to easily stop escapees. It also allows dogs entering, time and space, to be taken off their lead and enter without being greeted by a mob of enthusiastic dogs, which can be overwhelming for some dogs. Having a small lobby area enables less confident dogs time to settle, before dealing with the eager greeting of other dogs.
“The second thing the park is badly in need of is a water point. This would be very easy to install because the park is situated where a paddling pool used to be and the previous water point is just in front of one of the benches.
“Water points are a standard feature in all other dog parks. After a game of chase or a bit of rough and tumble, dogs need to drink. This will be even more important as the days get warmer. Many people carry water for their dogs, but a bottle of water doesn’t go very far for the number of dogs that need it. I have often put water down for Mike and it’s gone in seconds before Mike has had any. This proves to me that a water point is needed.
“The council has saved a lot of money by turning the old children’s playground into a dog park because they haven’t had to spend any money on change of use. Changing the surface of the old park to parkland again would cost a small fortune.
“While I appreciate having the dog park, and am all for saving money where it’s possible, a small amount of that money saved needs to be spent on a water point and a lobby area.”
Anyone wanting to support the campaign and sign the petition should visit the ‘Mike the Guide Dog and Friends’ Facebook page.