The Bloom in Melksham group who work hard keeping Melksham looking great all year round will be holding their first Tidy Town Day of the new year on Sunday 3rd January.
If any of your new year’s resolutions include getting more exercise, making new friends, trying something different or contributing to the community, then this is a great way to start.
Everyone is welcome for the afternoon, between 1pm and 3pm, meeting at the Town Hall where tools, gloves and refreshments will be provided. Everyone who joins in will earn one ‘time credit’ for each hour given.
Part of the day will also involve planting perennials in spaces that need brightening up, so if you have any plants in your garden that you would like to donate, bring them along on Sunday 3rd January and the group will get them planted around Melksham.
They are particularly looking for evergreen perennials to brighten up the winter months.
To join in or find out more call the Town Hall on 01225 704187 or email