HOLT village open gardens will take place next month with 11 very different gardens open to the public to explore.
Money raised from the event will be donated to Papyrus – prevention of young suicides and Lymphoma Action.
One of the organisers, John Bond says, “Eleven lovely interesting and very different gardens on show. It’s a brilliant opportunity to come and have ‘a nose’, see what people are getting up to behind those fences and hedges, and maybe take home a few ideas as well. And it’s all for charity!
“Programmes will be sold from the back door of Holt Village Hall which marks the start of the trail – your programme will give you entry to all the gardens.
“Refreshments and plants will be on sale too, and every single penny raised will go to the chosen charities: Papyrus – prevention of young suicides and Lymphoma Action.
“Suicide is the leading cause of death among under 35 year olds. Papyrus works to provide support, information and practical advice for young people who may be at risk of harming themselves, and for families, friends and professionals.
“Lymphoma Action is the UK’s only charity dedicated to lymphoma, the fifth most common cancer.
“We need volunteers to help staff some gardens. Can you spare an hour and a half on the day? Please contact us at holtopengardens@gmail.com or phone Christine on 01225 782357 or John on 01225 783494.”
The gardens will be open on Sunday 17th June from 2pm until 5pm. Admission is £3 for adults and accompanied children go free.