Holt was the venue once more for a most successful Safari Supper on Saturday 8th June.
Organisers say, “Despite quite strong winds, 83 people gathered, early evening, in a lovely sunny garden for pre-dinner drinks and to collect their envelope, giving them instructions about where they were to go for their starter. Starters were at 7.30pm. At 8.15pm the guests learned where they would eat their main course. At the main course, instructions were given for the sweet.
“This is a great way to meet new friends, rekindle friendships, to eat delicious food and have fun. This year we raised £529.45p to be sent to Parkinson’s Uk and £529.50p will be sent to the British Heart Foundation.
“The group behind the fund raising were Meg and Andy Slade, Sue and Ian Bolden, Chris Rowlands, Sue Osman and Jayne Gibbons.”