Melksham Without Parish Council set its Precept – the proportion of Council Tax paid to the Parish Council – at its full council meeting held on Monday 21st January.
The council agreed to set its Precept at £201,108.10 for the 2019/20 financial year, which is a rise of £11,016.36 (0.96%) on last year’s Precept. This means that the average Band D household will contribute £75.69 to Melksham Without Parish Council, a rise of 72p on last year, which is a 1% rise. Band D properties are used as a measure of the national average, and some households will see a smaller or bigger increase, based on their Band rating for Council Tax.
The parish council says it had taken on a lot of additional responsibility in the last few years (Wiltshire Council play areas, cleaning of bus shelters including those of Wiltshire Council, supporting public toilets in town and the decision to take on the ex-George Ward playing fields, now known as Shurnhold Field, in a joint project with the town council).
The parish council will receive additional funding from the Government’s CIL (Community Infrastructure Levy) scheme which is a levy directly on new housing developments in the parish. The council, when budget setting, has not put money into Reserves for future projects that could be paid for from CIL, and will look to use the CIL funding for a variety of infrastructure projects including the development and kitting out of a new village hall in Berryfield in association with the approved planning application of 150 houses on land to the east of Semington Road and a new community centre in association with the approved planning application for 450 houses on land to the east of Spa Road.
A copy of the Minutes of the Parish Council’s Finance Committee meeting when the budget and precept were discussed is available to view on the council’s website www.melkshamwithout. or a copy can be obtained from the office at Sports Pavilion, Westinghouse Way, Bowerhill, Melksham, SN12 6TL during the public opening hours of Monday to Thursday 10-12 and 2-4pm.
For up-to-date information on news from the council and the parish in general, you can follow the parish council in the following ways:
On facebook Melksham Without Parish Council or Teresa Strange (clerk) for additional community news or on twitter @melksham without, on Instagram melkshamwithoutpc or visit our website www.melksham