FAMILY and friends of local man Leigh Gaskin recently presented the fruits of a year’s fundraising to cancer charity Sarcoma UK in memory of Leigh, who died last year.
The group handed over a cheque for £15,054 to Lindsey Bennister, the charity’s chief executive. The money was raised from a number of fundraising events including a gaming marathon, football fun day and sponsored runs.
The money will be used to fight sarcoma, a rare bone and soft tissue cancer.
Lindsey said, “This is an amazing amount of money and is not at all usual from private fundraising. It’s incredible to see such a big group of people involved with raising the money, and doing so through fun activities that are so in keeping with Leigh’s character.”
Leigh’s parents Kevin and Lynn Gaskin and sister Beccy Armsby presented the cheque at Cumberwell Golf Club. Friends and family were invited to the event to celebrate the fundraising success.
Leigh’s mother Lynn said, “The fundraising has been absolutely unbelievable so we invited everyone to this evening as a way of saying thank you, as well as to present the cheque.
“Money has been raised by a number of different groups who all knew Leigh but don’t necessarily know each other, so it was a good opportunity to bring them together.
“We really are pleased to have raised so much for Sarcoma UK and hope it makes a difference to the charity. I wanted to carry on Leigh’s wishes to help people, and I think it’s testament to him that so many people have been inspired to do so much.
“Sarcoma is a rare cancer that mainly affects children and young people, which makes it particularly cruel. While a lot of other cancers are seeing big improvements in treatment and more people are coming out the other side of them, I don’t think the same can be said of sarcoma. It is important that we keep raising awareness and that research is funded to help people affected by such an awful condition.”
Friends and family are set to continue fundraising, and plans are already being made for the next events.
Lynn sells mismatched knitted socks and will be holding a stall at Salisbury Christmas Market during the first week in December.
Two friends of Leigh’s will also be cycling from London to Paris in May next year to raise money.
Leigh Gaskin, who attended Aloeric and George Ward schools in Melksham, died last year aged 27 after being diagnosed with Ewing’s sarcoma.
Ewing’s sarcoma is a rare cancer that develops in the bone or soft tissue. Sarcomas are not common and only account for approximately 1% of all cancer diagnoses each year.
For more information go to www.sarcoma.org.uk
To contribute to the fundraising efforts in memory of Leigh go to www.justgiving.com/InMemoryofLeighGaskin/