Melksham’s 20th parkrun took place as usual on Saturday, but unusually in glorious sunshine!
Organisers say, “Over 140 runners took part and this feels the right time to thank those who help make our parkrun the huge success it is and at the same time ask for a little more help.
“The core volunteer team would like to thank: • Melksham Town and Melksham Without Parish Councils and Melksham Area Board (for Wiltshire Council) for providing the initial start-up cost of £3,000 • Melksham Town Council for the use of the Pavilion • Melksham Adventure Centre for the use of their facilities including toilets and internet • AB Gerrish for providing gravel • Avon Rubber plc for funding for additional gravel and other materials • CooperTires for allowing us to use their car park on Saturdays • Forest Community Centre for the use of their recreation field as part of our course • West Country Educational Agency for sponsoring our portable sound system • Kanconnections for sponsoring our wireless internet link equipment • Artisan Hire Centre for the use of brush cutting and compacting equipment
“Last but definitely not least our loyal and hard-working volunteers including photographers, cafe ‘staff’ and cake/goody makers.
“There are a few other things we would like help with please and these are a hand cart with pneumatic tyres for getting set-up stuff to their positions, other materials to complete the internet link and a couple of wheels for a table. This comes to £140 and if anyone out there feels they would like to help with this please donate via the Melksham parkrun website All donations and withdrawals are shown on that page so it’s all very transparent!”