PROTESTERS will once again be holding a meeting to discuss the next stage of their fight against speeding in their village.
Last month a demonstration was held in Atworth in response to increasing concerns about the speeding traffic through the village. After the demonstration, the protest group met and various ideas were put forward that would hopefully solve the problem.
A few residents suggested that the speed limit in the village should be changed from 30mph to 20mph. Councillor Terry Chivers who attended the meeting said, “I was more than happy to explore the possibility of changing the speed limit to 20mph and have put in a request to Wiltshire County Council. I have looked into the cost implications and found that it will cost around £30,000, if not more. The parish council would have to raise a significant amount of money to support this.”
Sarah Horrell who set up the protest group is determined to find a solution to the problem. She said, “We would love to have the speed limit changed to 20mph but I’m not sure that it is feasible. It is a lovely concept but I still don’t think it will stop people from speeding. We also need to be realistic – there isn’t much money available so we probably need to aim for smaller changes first.
“Personally I think we need repeater signs to remind drivers that the speed limit is 30mph. It’s ironic really that as soon as you leave the village you are told you can speed up but coming into Atworth you aren’t reminded to slow down. If there is never going to be a way to enforce the speed limit, i.e. speed cameras, we need to figure out what methods will actually slow the traffic.
“Bradford Road, the road the school is on, is a whole separate issue and a 20mph limit would seem logical and sensible but it would need adequate signs. Parking on Bradford Road is a constant problem. This week a roofer’s lorry has been parking on the pavement every day causing parents with pushchairs to have to walk around the lorry on the road. When asked if he could park considerately the driver point blank refused.
“The zebra crossing is another separate issue. The parish council is trying to get halo lights and we need the zig zag lines extended to prevent parked cars from ‘hiding’ the crossing. On a daily basis people comment on drivers not stopping at the crossing. We need those driving through the village to drive with caution, care and consideration.
“Lorries, buses and tractors may have to drive slower than 30 to ensure people’s safety but unfortunately at the moment they are the worst culprits for speeding.
“We will be meeting again at the White Hart on Thursday 8th October at 7pm to try and make some decisions. We need the whole village to come together and be united on this because the more people involved, the stronger our fight will be. We all need to agree on what we want as so many people have different priorities.”