After the summer break our president Sylvia Bennett welcomed us back.
After a short business session we were reminded that soon we will need a new secretary and treasurer and a programme organiser.
Then we welcomed the speaker for the evening, John Tucker, who gave us a very light hearted talk about running a garden centre. We learnt about what goes on behind the scenes getting ready for each season in plenty of time, dealing with a variety of very different customers.
The speaker for the October meeting was Patrick Rule a volunteer from the Freewheelers EVS charity. (Blood Bank). They organise samples, blood and even breast milk to be delivered out of hours to hospitals all around the west country and sometimes beyond, teaming up with other freewheelers around the country, This important work run, organised and supported by a team of dedicated bikers saves the NHS cash. It was a very informative talk and a charity well worth supporting.
In November, the Dorset & Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service came and told us all about the work they do, which was very interesting and informative.
We are looking forward to the Christmas meeting when we have Mr. Linden Spark, with ‘musical memories’, followed by a finger buffet supper.