Whilst staying with local hosts, a French school group from Carcassonne led by Catherine Rogalle, visited Newport in Wales as part of their programme of daily sightseeing visits.
Organisers say, “What started as a lovely day turned to horror for the group as two students, Marc Amaral and Pauline Le Metayer, were later mugged and lost all their spending money, a sum of £280.
“The group returned late, shocked and exhausted to the meeting point but the families all showed huge concern and made sure the students were able to talk about the incident and reassured them that it wasn’t a common occurrence. Everyone was very shocked this could happen and that the “English experience” that we try to give the students was marred in this way.
“One of our host families, Reverend Andy Yorke (retired) and his wife Rachel, were so dismayed by what had occurred that they contacted Reverend Alan Coutts of St Thomas’s Church and Reverend Dr Rob Thomas of St James’ Church in Trowbridge – to ask if their churches would be happy to contribute. Between them they pledged to pay the full £280!
“The money was presented by Andy to the group leaders, who were overwhelmed with their generosity.
“We would like to thank everyone for their support and kindness – and in particular to Andy and Rachel Yorke and St Thomas’s and St James’s churches. A true heart-warming story and an indicator of the true heart of Wiltshire.”
For more information or to find out about hosting for Wiltshire Host Families, please contact Lisa Green on 01373 229802 or visit www. wiltshirehostfamilies.co.uk