A LOCAL woman is appealing for drivers around town to slow down after two of her cats were killed in the last two months.
Giovanna Curaba from Savernake Avenue in Melksham is asking for drivers to slow down after both her cats were recently run over and killed.
Giovanna said, “I’ve lived in Savernake Avenue for five years now and my family has lived here for around ten years. We’ve always had cats and they’ve always been safe.
“But a couple of months ago one of my ginger Toms, Rory, was run over and last night the other one, Sam, also was run over. In the space of two months we have lost two cats and something needs to be done about this.
“With Rory, there was remorse. They stopped and took him to the vets. But with Sam they just left him in the road.
“Both instances happened at night and both because people were driving too fast. So I’m asking people to slow down when driving especially around Savernake Avenue, late at night. I have one kitten now and am scared to let him out in case it happens to him too.”