NEWS that Asda may build a petrol station at its Melksham store has divided opinion amongst people in the town.
Last month, Asda confirmed it would be applying for planning permission to build a petrol station at the Melksham store and whilst it’s not known when this will be, there has been a mixed response from local people.
Fred Stonham said, “Every since they opened the store, I asked why there was no petrol station and a cafe, so it’s a yes for me.”
Paul Bateman said, “That is the best news we have had in Melksham for a long time, it definitely needs another petrol station. Being able to go and get your shopping and go to the petrol station, fill up and go home is a real result. I only hope it comes to fruition.”
But concerns have been raised about the increased volume of traffic that the petrol station will bring to what is already a busy part of the town.
Arlette McCarron said, “I live on Beanacre Road and the volume of traffic is getting more and more. It is one of the busiest roads, something needs to be addressed with this overbusy road. We need a bypass, not a petrol station.”
Pete Colgate said, “I believe that this would add to the present congestion caused by the store which especially is very bad in the mornings and evenings with the approach roads gridlocked.
“We currently have stations at Spa Road, King Street, Sainsbury’s and Beanacre Road, surely this is enough.”
Councillor Bruce Saunders said, “I am almost at a loss for words when I read that Asda may be looking to add a petrol forecourt to their site.
“When Asda first arrived in Melksham there was concern over the road access but we were assured that the junction improvements planned would limit the impact and may even improve the flow of traffic.
“The fact is, traffic now regularly queues from the outskirts of Melksham in both directions for long periods of the day. Adding a forecourt will add significantly to traffic accessing and exiting the site from both directions and can only add to drivers’ frustrations. The A350 is a major route and one of the biggest areas of delay around Melksham.
“Fooling us once was our misjudgement, but allowing ourselves to be fooled a second time would be the joke!”