FOUNDER of local charity, Evie’s Gift, Bryan Clover cycled for six hours on a stationary exercise bike last week, raising over £1,750.
Wearing a loaded backpack weighing 30lbs, Bryan cycled for six hours, achieving a ‘distance’ of 62.7 miles. Money raised from the event will be donated to Evie’s Gift – the charity set up by Bryan and his wife Patsy in memory of their 13-year-old daughter, Evie, who died from an aggressive brain tumour in 2018.
Money will also be donated to the Rainy Day Trust – the UK’s only charity supporting the home improvement workforce and their families in times of need.
Bryan told Melksham News, “I kicked off at 7.55am managing a steady 16mph, taking short leg stretch breaks every ten miles. My legs finally gave out at 62.7 miles, riding round a ‘route’ on an island near Vanuatu.
“Tiredness and muscle pain started to slow me down after 35 miles. As I haven’t ridden a bike for 40 years, I was pretty chuffed with that as a result. I was wearing hiking gear and carrying a full hiking back pack with a camelpac in it with 3.5 litres of water to drink. I managed to burn off something like 2,348 calories, so the slab of chocolate cake was definitely justified.
“After 6 hours of cycling my legs pretty much turned to lead, and as for the racing saddle, the less said about that the better! The fundraising so far has reached £1,750 so we want to say a huge “Thank You!” to everyone that has supported the ride and the two charities. I think that I now need to go and have a long bath and lie down in a darkened room for a bit.
“Six other people around the country have done their own version of events yesterday and today and have raised an additional £1,400 for Evie’s Gift alone. I’m looking forward to the next challenge to help others; it’s why we are here.”
Bryan’s fundraising page is still accepting donations, to support Bryan and donate, visit the website:
Bryan and Patsy’s charity, Evie’s Gift, has two main aims: to give immediate financial assistance to parents whose children have been admitted to hospital with a life threatening or life limiting condition, and to fund research into the rare brain cancer.
For more information about the charity’s work, visit: