A LOCAL community leader is seeking the support of Melksham traders and businesses in brightening up the town for South West In Bloom.
Brian Warwick, co-ordinator for the Melksham Seniors group, asks that local businesses make a special effort to beautify their premises and buildings with floral displays in time for the South West judging on 17th July.
He remarked that last year, some businesses did not make much effort. “Many banks, public buildings, shops and estate agents dismally failed to enter into the true spirit of our community by not even making the effort to have any floral dressings on their premises last year,” said Brian Warwick.
“This year, I would appeal to them all to at least ensure they have a hanging basket display on the front of their premises.
“There is no doubt that all our spirits are lifted by the sight of a magnificent floral display so we all need to make a special effort wherever possible, but in particular the traders and commerce need to be setting the right floral scene for us to follow.
“A final word of thanks to our town council and the great band of volunteers who do so much to make Melksham a great place to live.”