SHOPPERS using Wiltshire Council car parks in the town centre are facing a ‘regrettable’ hike in parking charges.
Wiltshire Council has proposed increasing car parking charges by 10p per hour on every tariff in all its car parks; to introduce parking charges for Blue Badge holders; and introduce Sunday parking charges in all car parks.
It is currently free to use car parks on Sundays, and it is currently free for Blue Badge holders to use car parks on all days.
The parking charge changes have been proposed as part of Wiltshire Council’s 2022/23 budget, which also proposes to increase Council Tax by almost 3%.
Wiltshire Council has said that it aims to bridge a budget deficit of more than £27million, whilst ensuring residents, businesses and communities still get access to vital and high quality services.
The town council does run its own parking redemption scheme in the town centre’s car parks, allowing shoppers to claim back the cost of two-hour’s parking at participating retailers in the town.
But it is unknown how the price hike will affect the town council’s scheme if it goes ahead. A town council spokesperson told Melksham News that councillors will discuss the scheme if Wiltshire Council confirms that the price increases are going ahead.
About the proposed changes, Melksham News approached a number of Wiltshire councillors representing the town to have their say.
Cllr Phil Alford, who represents the Melksham Without North & Shurnhold ward and is also a Melksham Town councillor, said, “Any increase to charges is not going to be welcomed and it is fair to say that I am not over-the-moon about them but when it comes to our cabinet meeting and then full council, I will not be looking at this decision in isolation.
“It is not a simple question of shall we increase them for the sake of it. I will balance that decision by weighing up the impacts of an increase and the effect of the do nothing option, within the context of the whole council budget.
“The charging is expected to raise approximately £800,000 a year and will be delivered alongside a £24million savings package. Against that there is a £7 million increase in adult care services, additional investments in children’s services, a £27million budget gap and a significant capital investment program. All of which must be considered in addition to rising costs due to inflation.
“We are due to be opening the Melksham campus later in the year and these kinds of programs are only affordable if we balance the budget and make these decisions.
“In terms of how it will affect business [in Melksham’s town centre], I also have concerns but anyone who uses the car parks will know that the cost of parking is only part of the consideration when driving into the town.
“To help address this there is also a plan to introduce cashless parking meters within the next 18 months that will make it easier for drivers to use the car parks and take away some of the inconvenience.”
Cllr Mike Sankey, who represents the Melksham East ward, said, “Any increase in charges is regrettable, but given there has been no increase for a number of years and the pressure on the Wiltshire Council budget some kind of increase was likely.
“Melksham is fortunate to have a parking redemption scheme funded by the town council that any retailers who feel parking charges are to their detriment can join. This in effect provides for one hour’s free parking.
“Sunday charging is common in other local authority areas some of whom charge £1 an hour. Charging blue badge holders doesn’t sit well, but those motorists do have options other than council owned car parks available to them.”
Cllr Jack Oatley, who represents the Melksham Forest ward and is also a Melksham Town councillor, said, “I don’t agree fully with these changes, I’m not keen on introducing Sunday parking charges and I believe that we should be doing all we can to encourage local shopping.
“I would hope that the proposed parking changes doesn’t impact businesses, however we won’t know this until and if the proposed changes happen. As of yet, I’m unsure if I will be supporting the changes and indeed the budget for 22/23.”
The budget proposals, including the changes to car parking charges will be debated and discussed at a meeting of Wiltshire Council on Tuesday 15th February.