Melksham Seniors Forum 55+ have three regular events coming up for people to attend.
The group says, “Monday Film Club at the Assembly Hall third Monday in the month. Next film 16th March ‘Mary Queen of Scots’.
“Monday Club at Forest Community Centre on the 1st Monday of the month 2nd March with various activities for all abilities. Refreshments and raffles always available.
“Thursday Club at the Riverside Club on Bank Street every week. Activities include opportunities to meet with friends for coffee and biscuits while enjoying table games or just chatting together. Wiltshire Council attend every two week for a short period of exercise to help us prevent injuries and keep us healthy. Once a month a speaker will come. This month a Wing Commander from the RAF will speak about his experiences in the RAF during peace time and while in active service elsewhere, Wing Commander M.A.Ahmed MBE
The date is 5th March, 10.30am Riverside Club.
“The Melksham Seniors offers opportunities to get discounts at many shop with a membership card available to all over 55. Please ask at any of the events for further details.
“Enjoy what has been organised and comment on how it is provided and what can be done differently please.”