Starting this piece, thank you to residents for giving me an opportunity to support our town. When becoming a councillor, I did not follow politics and had very little understanding of the inner workings of the town council. So why become a councillor?
I’ve always been community driven; my career has had a focus of providing care and support for anyone in need, from adults with special needs to youth and early years aged children, so why not offer support within in a councillor role?
One thing that has surprised me is how little I hear from residents. When I have heard from them, I have managed to support residents’ requests and concerns by, for instance, stopping cars driving through walkways with the placement of a bollard, and the installation of a bike maintenance station suggested by residents. I will absolutely look to support any residents that come forward but need to be contacted. The best way to contact me is via my town council email
The best method of getting answers is to contact town councillors and the Town Hall staff; it can be disheartening reading on social media the negativity towards the town and its volunteers when we all work incredibly hard for the benefit of the town. This is one of the reasons I started the local podcast, Celebrate Melksham, to do exactly that.
The next two years, it’s important to deliver what has been promised – eco loos, opening the KGV café, utilizing the dog park, lighting in KGV while looking to the future of the Assembly Hall, better utilizing our town parks, supporting community groups, and continuously delivering brilliant events. All of this needs constructive feedback and support from residents; we are all working hard to better our town and can only do this by working together. Melksham is built by community.