Melksham Town Council, working closely with Wiltshire Council, is currently working on formulating a Flood Response Plan such that measures can be put in place to safeguard and mitigate against the effects of flooding.
In order to bring this to fruition the town council is seeking to identify volunteer flood wardens to provide assistance on actual and potential flooding issues throughout the town.
The purpose of the wardens will be to spot potential problems – such as blocked drains – and have knowledge of what homes in which streets are particularly prone to the worst of the flooding, and which homes have vulnerable residents who may require assistance as a priority. This information could be invaluable when emergency services or local authority officers attend following any flooding incidents.
Flood wardens will be proactive within the community and will play a key role in identifying and reporting potential problems before they occur. For example, early reports of vegetation growing from a drain or a build-up of water in certain locations could result in remedial measures being taken that will eliminate or at least reduce the risk of floods occurring.
If you are interested in volunteering to act as a flood warden please contact Miriam Zaccarelli at Melksham Town Hall on 01225 704187 to register your interest.