BLESS Melksham Summer Holiday Club will be starting their week of fun and games on Monday 18th August.
The programme will be run by a team of well-qualified volunteers and will be based on the Scripture Union’s ‘Mega Makers’ holiday club material.
The week will be full of games, crafts, drama, music, DVD presentations, and Bible stories, as children learn about God’s creativity.
The club is designed for children aged 5-11 and will run from the 18th – 22nd August. Tickets are £10 per child or £15 for a family for the week. This will include materials and refreshments, and payment will be taken on the first day.
Please fill in the form at the bottom of the page- booking is essential and places will be limited. Return the form to Melksham Town Hall as soon as possible. For more information please phone 01225 707387 or 07751 320840, or ask at your local church.