MELKSHAM’s Annual Service of Remembrance will be held at St Michael & All Angels Church, Canon Square this Sunday 8th November at 3.00pm.
The parade will leave King Street car park at 2.40pm and members of the public are requested to be seated in the church by 2.45pm.
President of Melksham’s branch of the Royal British Legion, Trevor Paterson said, “This is an important event for the community and people in Melksham always turn out in their numbers to see the parade. This year we’ll have a band for the first time in a number of years, which we’re looking forward to.
“The service is well attended, too, and we’ll have former and serving members of the armed forces, as well as cadets, scouts and guides coming along.”
Refreshments will be served in the Assembly Hall after the church service.
All ex-service men and women and serving members of HM Forces are welcome to take part in the afternoon parade and are asked to report to the parade commander at 2.30pm at King Street Car Park.
There will also be a short service of remembrance at 11am on Wednesday 11th November, to mark Remembrance Day itself. This service will be held at the war memorial in Canon Square and all are welcome to attend.