HOUSEHOLDS across Melksham are bracing themselves for increasing financial pressure in the coming months as the cost of living continues to rise.
As a result, local charity organisations which help those who are struggling, say they are expecting to see an increase in demand for their services and they want to remind residents that their doors are open for help and advice.
Last month, inflation in the UK hit a 30 year high, with ‘surging’ food prices and the energy bill crisis blamed for the increase. Recent changes to the Universal Credit benefit, which saw the temporary uplift of £20 per week cut, has also impacted some residents. Also, with fuel bills and National Insurance contributions set to rise in April, and the news that some BT customers will see broadband and phone bills rise by more than 9% from the end of March, households look to be squeezed even further in 2022 by cost-of-living pressures.
A spokesperson for Melksham Community Money Advice said, “Certainly, changes to Universal Credit is starting to hit clients hard. We would expect people to be seeking advice in greater numbers as the year progresses – the threat of huge fuel price increases and cost of living rises across the board does not bode well. We anticipate it will bring people, some who currently do not receive extra help with benefits, to our door. Many people do not understand the system, and struggle to know how to get help.”
Chair of Melksham Foodbank, Alan McFall said, “We do expect to see something of an increase in demand again as we move through 2022.”
But both organisations say that they are ready to support any residents in need and schemes supported by Age UK Wiltshire and Wiltshire Warm & Safe, may also be able to help some residents with their heating costs.
Help managing your money
Melksham Community Money Advice helps anyone who is struggling with personal finance by giving advice on budget management and debt resolution.
“At the moment it seems that every day brings a new crisis, not just in this country but all over the world. Everyone is affected in one way or the other,” said the Melksham Community Money Advice spokesperson about the rise in the cost of living.
“Melksham Community Money Advice are able to help local people with financial difficulties. We also offer budgeting, and a listening ear free of charge. We work in close proximity with the Foodbank and see at first hand the problems that people are having. Many people struggle often through no fault of their own.
“From past experience, we know there will still be people in need of help but not asking for it. There are things that can be done both financially, and other kinds of support. Advice is free, confidential, and we are there to help and to listen.”
For more information about how Melksham Community Money Advice can help, phone 07710 893168, email:; or visit the website:
Help with food costs
Melksham Foodbank is a local charity that provides practical short-term help to a person or a family in need, by supplying a food parcel containing sufficient food basics for three days.
About recent reports about the rise in the cost of living, chairman of Melksham Foodbank, Alan McFall, told Melksham News, “For most of the clients of the Foodbank in Melksham, their focus is on today and the issues they face right now. This is typically having insufficient money to meet their day-to-day needs – whether because of unemployment, a cut in or absence of benefits, the need to pay for electricity or gas for heating and cooking, whilst seeing the price of these utility services rising rapidly and energy suppliers going out of business.
“Cost of travel is a further concern, as are health anxieties in general and the continued threat of coronavirus in particular.
“Yes, other cost of living topics in the news, if they read or hear of them, are a worry that things are only going to get worse, but this is secondary to the current problems which are very real. We don’t find we get much conversation about this and we know that the majority of our clients are quite reluctant to talk about their particular issues.
“Those who do respond to offers of help get directed to Melksham Community Money Advice, who share the same premises as the Foodbank and so it is convenient for people to make an appointment to meet an advisor when they call for their food parcel.
“Since Christmas, we have seen a decline in demand for food parcels since the record numbers during the periods of lockdown in the last two years but not back to the pre-Covid levels. We do expect to see something of an increase in demand again as we move through 2022, but thankfully, so far, the level of food and financial support from the local community gives us confidence that, with God’s help, we will continue to be able to meet this increased demand.”
For more information about how Melksham Foodbank can help, email:; visit the website:; or search for Melksham Foodbank on Facebook.
Help with heating
Residents of pension age could be eligible for help from Age UK Wiltshire, who can support someone to apply for a Wiltshire Surviving Winter Grant (SWG).
The charity explains, “The scheme is aimed at older people at risk of fuel poverty and aims to support them by providing a one-off £200 grant alongside holistic advice to help ensure they are maximising their income and receiving support for any other issues they may have.
“The scheme has been running on an annual basis for a number of years and is organised and fundraised through Wiltshire Community Foundation. It is likely to remain open until around March 2022 time (but may close sooner if all grants are distributed).”
Age UK Wiltshire can also advise on other schemes such as Warm Home Discount and Winter Fuel Payment. Call the charity on 0800 196 2424 for more information.
For residents of working age, Wiltshire Warm & Safe, a charity working in partnership with Wiltshire Council, has funding to help with the costs of repairing or replacing heating systems for eligible Wiltshire residents. The scheme is due to end 31st June 2022.
For more information about who is eligible for help, visit the website: or call 0800 038 5722.
Free, confidential and impartial advice
Citizens Advice Wiltshire is a free, confidential and impartial advice service. They can discuss a host of issues, including employment, benefits, as well as support people to apply for Universal Credit, and give advice on consumer issues.
They say, “We are an independent charity committed to helping people successfully deal with life’s problems.
“We provide the advice people need for the problems they face and improve the policies and practices that affect people’s lives.
“We provide free, confidential and impartial advice to everyone on their rights and responsibilities. We value diversity, promote equality and challenge discrimination.”
For more information about how Citizens Advice Wiltshire can help, call 0800 144 8848; or visit their website: