Over the weekend of 10th-12th September, with the kind permission of the National Trust, Lacock Abbey hosted the South West Area of the National Association of Flower Arrangers Area Competition in the Cloisters.
The theme for the competition was ‘The Passage of Time’ and there were eight classes based on the theme, including a club class – ‘In her lady’s chamber’ which proved very popular.
On the staging day, competitors arrived at the abbey with all their flowers, stands, and the necessary equipment to produce wonderful exhibits for the show. Lucky visitors were able to see the creations taking shape and admire the creativity of the flower arrangers. The judging took place on the Saturday morning, and after much deliberation delighted exhibitors were awarded certificates with trophies to follow at a later date. The winning club exhibit came from the Bradford on Avon Club team. Rosalyn Clarke, chairman of Melksham Flower Club not only won the pedestal class with her cascade creation of ‘Tranquility’, but ‘Best in Show’ and ‘The Peoples’ Choice’.
This was the first time Rosalyn had entered a major show for over 30 years and was delighted with the result. She was delighted that the Melksham Club being local had received such an accolade.
Visitors to the Abbey over the weekend were delighted to see the exhibits which had enhanced the enjoyment of their visit. The SW Area team and staff from the National Trust had worked unstintingly to ensure that this had been a very successful and enjoyable event for everyone.