THE winners of the annual Melksham in Bloom competition have been announced, with the judges reporting an ‘incredibly high’ standard of entries in a year when gardens have been so important to local residents – and passers-by who have enjoyed their efforts.
The town council reports, “Melksham gardeners have been busy showing off their horticultural skills in the town council’s annual Melksham in Bloom competition. The quality of entries was incredibly high and judges were very impressed. The prize for overall best garden went to Laura and Ian Harding.”
Winner Laura said, “Ian and I were delighted to be announced overall winner of Melksham in Bloom 2021. It has been an unusual year, with the garden being about three weeks behind compared with 2020. We lost a number of favourite plants to the late frosts in April so had to replace them, growing some plants from seed for the second year running.
“Covid-19 restrictions on socialising resulted in our garden becoming a special place for our family to spend time together and get outside, whilst having to work and study from home. We have all been able to benefit from our shared efforts in building the garden four years ago.
“I think anyone lucky enough to have a garden during Covid has really appreciated the space and freedom to be outside in the last year. We were very happy though to be able to share the garden once again this past weekend, opening it for the second time as part of Melksham Open Gardens raising money for the organisers’ chosen charity, The Children’s Society.”
The Melksham in Bloom judges braved the heatwave to spend a whole day visiting gardens and speaking with the enthusiastic gardeners.
The judges – Maria Adams, Patsy Clover, Charlotte Howard, Teresa Strange and Paul Von Fullman – said they were all incredibly impressed with the standard of garden entries and the increasing emphasis given to sustainable planting and environmental considerations.
Charlotte Howard, of Capability Charlotte Garden Design said, “It was a real privilege to be asked to be a Melksham in Bloom judge; my over-riding memory was how everyone we spoke to had said how nurturing their garden had been a life saver during tough times. It proves that gardening is good for mental health.
“I was really pleased to see how many gardens had sustainability at their core too. We can all make simple changes in our own gardens, for example, by using recycled building materials, using peat-free compost and preserving water.”
The town council is also grateful for the support of Old Milestone Nursery who sponsored the competition this year.
While the main categories have been judged, the Sunflower Competition will be judged in August. You can still enter this category; the deadline is Friday August 6th. Please get in touch with or call 01225 704187.
The winners of Melksham Town Council’s Melksham in Bloom competition 2021, are listed below.
Photographs will be shared on the town council’s website and Facebook page.
Picture: Laura and Ian Harding in their winning garden.