RESIDENTS at an older person’s scheme in Melksham are celebrating after a clean sweep in the ‘Residential Retirement Home Care Home/Sheltered Housing or Residential Development for over 60’s’ section in Melksham in Bloom’s 2017 competition.
Green-fingered gardeners at Wharf Court were awarded first place in the ‘Best Decorated Site’ and ‘Best Hanging Basket/Trough or Planter’ – the only two categories in the section.
Owned and managed by Midland Heart, this is the first time Wharf Court has participated in Melksham in Bloom, but for the scheme’s very active gardening community it is more than just entering a competition, providing many with a hobby.
Resident Frank Webb, who helped to produce the scheme’s award-winning planter says, “I was so pleased to be able to have the opportunity to be able to work on the raised bed. Due to my disability I have been unable to do any ordinary gardening, but to have the planter at my level has enabled me to take up my love of gardening again.
“I have been an avid gardener for over 60 years and have relished this opportunity to get my hands dirty again!”
Frank is not the only gardener to take immense pride in the garden, with over 17 residents helping to look after the flowerbeds, borders, pots and planters, or giving donations towards plants, shrubs and gardening items.
Entries in this year’s competition were particularly high, but judges were extremely impressed with the displays at Wharf Court, testament to the commitment of all those involved.
Sarah Wilkes, Wharf Court’s deputy scheme manager said, “I was thrilled to bits to hear that Wharf Court had been awarded top spot in both categories.
“The customers have put in so much effort to make the grounds look beautiful and we are delighted that all their hard work has been recognised.”
Residents from Wharf Court will receive their awards at a presentation ceremony held at the Melksham Gardeners’ Society’s Flower and Produce Show in September.