MEMBERS of the Men’s Shed came to the rescue of the Community Larder recently, to repair the larder’s damaged sign that had broken after it was blown over in the wind.
“We had one of those banners that go up and down and it broke when it was blown over in the wind,” said Nick Westbrook from the community larder. “All efforts to repair it have failed, so the shed has stepped in and provided a replacement frame. The banner was broken for several weeks and the back snapped, it looks really nice now.”
The Men’s Shed is located next to Forest Community Centre and make, repair and renovate items, often undertaking projects for the community.
A member of the group, Chris Pickett said, “Melksham Shed loves to provide for the community, and the banner for the larder was a great opportunity for the ‘guys’ in the shed, to only name a few like Rob, Pete, John and many more, to expound on their skills and knowledge!
“The aim of the shed is to provide a place where we can meet up, socialise, drink loads of coffee, eat the biscuits and have a good ‘man – ly chat’.
“Making project items like the banner frame, is secondary, though much fun is had when more than one gets involved. The serious aim however, is to provide comradery and feeling of belonging for those who no longer have the routine of work to occupy their minds.
“We like to undertake the odd project both in the shed and onsite, however we are conscience that it must not become a pressure. We take this opportunity to thank the many people of Melksham for their tool and wood donations, which helps the Shed to keep cost low.”
From the end of August, the Men’s Shed plans to have a stall of goodies on the last Friday of the month to offer handmade items for donation. This will be at the rear of the Forest Community Centre at 10am to 12noon.