A new website for the Melksham Neighbourhood Plan has gone live over the weekend.
The website aims to keep local people informed about progress in producing the Plan, and give them a way to comment on local issues that are being considered by the five Task Groups.
The Task Groups are looking at Housing, Economy and Environment; Health and Wellbeing (including Care and Leisure); Education; and Transport. Each Task Group is taking account of environmental and climate change issues and the needs of the elderly and young people as these impact on their area of interest.
Spokesman for the Plan Steering Group, Nick Westbrook said, “Hundreds of comments have already been received from local people about how they want to see Melksham and the neighbouring area develop as a community over the next 10 years. The website is the next stage in giving local people other ways to have their say.”
The website can be viewed on www.MelkshamNeighbourhoodPlan.org