A PLANNING application for 150 new dwellings and a new village hall on the land east of Semington Road has been applied for again, after two previous attempts.
The previously proposed development by Strutt & Parker covered 20 acres of land to the east of Semington Road which is currently made up of fields that stretch east to the A350.
Wiltshire Council’s strategic planning committee originally refused the application on the grounds that it would physically and visually impact on the landscape of the area that separates Melksham and Berryfield.
On 20th Jan 2017, a resubmission was submitted to Wiltshire Council under the reference 16/00497/OUT by the same applicant and agent. This was concluded with a decision of approval with conditions.
The OPP (Outline Planning Permission) was approved alongside a S106 legal agreement. The S106 requires that the development provide: A total of 30% of the residential dwellings to be provided as affordable housing; Financial contributions to upgrade public footpaths and provide bus shelters; Financial contribution of £652,410 towards secondary school places at Melksham Oak Academy; Transfer of land for a village hall and a financial contribution of £500,000 toward the construction of a new village hall.
On 28th December, a third application attempt was submitted by a different developer Bellway Homes Limited (South West) under a new agent Pegasus Planning Group Ltd with the reference 17/12514/REM. It was submitted as a ‘Reserved Matters’ application. This can be used after outline proposal has been accepted, to deal with the conditions put forward.
The planning statement identifies the previous conditions and presents reasoning behind the resubmission, it states, “The layout of the built form is grounded in principles of good design, with an urban grain and character reflective of the local area. Its design and layout has evolved in response to pre-application feedback regarding amenity, outlook, place making and permeability, and is complimented by sensitive landscape proposals including the retention of key trees and hedgerows, and additional planting proposals.
“Overall, the proposed development represents an appropriate design response to the residential development of the site, which will deliver 150 new homes and in accordance with national policy, should be approved without delay.”
The planning application applies for 105 market houses including 2,3 and 4 bedroom houses, 27 social rented houses ranging from 1 bed apartments to 4 bedroom houses and 18 shared ownership properties of 2 and 3 bed alongside a LEAP (local equipped area for play) play park, open spaces and an area, located to the south-west of the development for a village hall – plans of which will come at a later date.
You have until Friday 16th February to raise your concerns or leave comments in support, on the Wiltshire Council Planning website using the reference 17/12514/REM with a target date for decision of Thursday 29th March.