A charity has been formed at Giffords Surgery with the aim of improving healthcare facilities and services for the local community. The Friends of Giffords Surgery are dedicated to working closely with the practice to enhance patient experience, support staff training and provide essential equipment.
“Friends of Giffords Surgery is committed to fostering a strong partnership with the local community,” explained trustee Gillian Elson. “We believe that by working together, we can make a significant difference in the health and wellbeing of our residents. To achieve this, we will be actively seeking volunteers, donations and support from local businesses and organisations. Our objectives include raising funds to purchase essential medical equipment for the surgery but not covered by the NHS, supporting staff training and development to enhance patient care, organising community events and health initiatives to promote wellbeing and building strong relationships with local businesses and organisations. We invite the community to join us in this exciting venture. Whether you can volunteer your time, make a financial contribution, or simply spread the word, your support will make a difference.”
Activities the organisation will be undertaking will include: a quarterly newsletter, community events, health and wellness education workshops, patient support groups and fundraising. “Emma Fletcher, the managing partner of Giffords Surgery and teacher Jan Ellinger spotted a real need for this charity,” explained Gillian. “The other founding members are lawyer Sarah Williams-Martin BEM, local councillor Anne Sullivan, and former social worker Claire Collins.”
Chair of the organisation, Sarah Williams-Martin BEM, said, “We are excited to bring about positive change in our community for the benefit of the patients of Giffords surgery and the wider community. We are all able to help to ensure our healthcare system is supported and achieving its primary aims. We have received a great response so far and have already recruited 11 trustees and 15 co-ordinators as well as 20 volunteers but there is still space for anyone who would like to get involved and make a real difference. We shall be releasing a newsletter in the near future where you will be able to see all of our events, activities, and workshops. We also plan to help with large amount of community events this Christmas so please follow us on Facebook and Instagram to find out more. We are also looking to host a launch event in the new year so watch this space.”
Senior GP partner, Dr Abby Burgess, said, “The partners are delighted that our long-term ambition to have a Friends of Giffords Charity has finally come to fruition thanks to all the hard work by Sarah and the Friends Trustees. We have been hugely impressed that so many of our patients have willingly come forward to become active members and support the Friends with their new initiatives and objectives. We are very excited about the future of our Friends Group and look forward to supporting and working with the Friends with their plans which will hugely benefit our patients and the local population in and around Melksham.”
For more information about Friends of Giffords Surgery or to get involved as a volunteer, contact sarahwilliamsmartin@gmail.com