Thy Kingdom Come is a global prayer movement that invites Christians around the world to pray together for our world, especially during the days from Ascension Thursday 30th to Pentecost Sunday June 9th.
The Churches in Melksham will be joining together to pray during this time in various venues. Anne Doyle of Melksham Family of Churches reports, “We will be praying for the people of the world, for those in need, for the troubled areas in the world, for our environment and many other reasons.
“The programme from 6th June is as follows:
Thursday 6th June – 5.00 pm; prayer for Melksham at St Andrew’s Church
9.30 am; 24 hour silent prayer to 9.30 am on Friday 7th June, at St Anthony of Padua Church
Saturday 8th June – 10.00 am Prayer in the Market Place, led by Queensway Chapel
Sunday 9th June – Pentecost Prayer Service at St Anthony of Padua Church.
“You will also find on the Diocese of Clifton website a 5 minute talk, one each day, by a member from different Christian traditions. Each one will be about why and how each tradition prays.
“We Christians already join together on the last Wednesday of every month in a different location to pray for our town and its people.”