St George’s C of E Primary in Semington has recently been congratulated by Wiltshire Council for their end of KS2 SAT results from last summer.
The school said, “In the words of the Director of Education and Skills the school’s performance was ‘amongst the best primary schools in Wiltshire.’ 78% of our Y6 pupils achieved the expected standard in reading, writing and mathematics combined (compared to a national average of 64%). What is also incredible is the fact that 33% of those pupils were achieving at a higher standard (working at greater depth).
“The letter also recognised all of the ‘sustained commitment, hard work and success of the staff, governors and pupils’ that goes into such a huge improvement. The school, in conjunction with all stakeholders have worked tirelessly to improve outcomes for the children in the school since it was put into Special Measures back in March 2017. We continue to aim high for all of our pupils for this academic year.”