Staff at Oakhouse Foods’ head office in Melksham say, “We are celebrating 25 years of delivering delicious food to our lovely customers with some team bonding, and what better way to celebrate than helping a good cause? We are walking 25km in aid of Age UK, our chosen charity partner.
“We are planning to walk from Melksham towards Bath along the canal, on Friday 24th May. We have a target of £250 to reach, but we hope to raise even more for this great charity. This will be quite a challenge for most of us, but everyone feels so motivated as we see so regularly the great work this charity does.
“Oakhouse Foods is a frozen meals service that cares; offering over 400 delicious dishes, quality and taste is at the heart of what we do, delivered right to our customers’ homes. While we help a wide range of people around the UK, who have various needs, a lot of our customers are those who might need help from Age UK. That is why we are proud to support them and help them reach more older people who might have no-one else to turn to.
“One of the more memorable examples was a customer who became quite upset on the phone because she because she was feeling lonely and struggling to get out. Our Pennines branch put her in touch with her local Age UK, who established a regular connection with their befriending services and sorted a day at one of their centres, which enabled her to socialise. Stories like this really bring our jobs to life, as we are a service that cares.
“Together we can make a difference.”
Above: Some of the walking team from the Melksham branch.