ALOERIC Primary School had two special visitors as two teachers from Uganda come to visit for a week.
Samuel Odutu Ombotu and Robinah Nabuwembo visited the school to learn about teaching practices and to gain an insight into how an English school works.
The visit follows on from two Aloeric teachers going to Uganda in May for a similar visit. One of those teachers Christina Murtagh who teaches year five said, “Going there was a massive shock. It really opens your eyes and makes you realise what great resources we have and how lucky we are.
“In Uganda the teaching style is very traditional with a blackboard and chalk and with a teacher talking to children who permanently sit at their seat. Here we have more interaction and allow the children to move more and learn using different techniques.
“The link between the two schools has really appealed to the children here who this week held a cake sale raising £91 which will go towards a library in the Ugandan school. This fundraising effort follows on from a sponsored silence earlier in the year which raised £50. We have tried to help them and each class the Ugandan teachers have visited this week have donated a teaching resource for them to take back.”
Ugandan teacher Samuel Odutu Ombotu said, “It has been an interesting week and an interesting experience. The way the teachers teach and how they share ideas with the children is interesting and something I will take back with me.” Robinah Nabuwembo added, “The environment in the classroom is completely different and things like computers we don’t have so it is good to see. Everyone has been so welcoming and lovely; we have enjoyed our visit.”
The teacher exchange came about as a result of an application to the British Council Teaching Exchange who helped fund part of the trip. Aloeric and the Ugandan school will now remain linked and share letters and work by pupils between the schools.