VOLUNTEERS have expressed their disappointment after vandals targeted the Bowerhill Residents Action Group (BRAG) picnic area over the Bank Holiday weekend.
Vandals have damaged one of the information lecterns on the site, which is located next to the Kennet and Avon canal, as well causing damage in other areas of the award-winning picnic area.
“It looks like a solvent had been sprayed across the front of the lectern and someone has tried to set light to the frontage,” said BRAG volunteer Jenny Butcher. “This has melted into the written information area, which is now unreadable and will cost BRAG hundreds of pounds to rectify. Also damage has been done to the middle picture area as well.
“This site has been a life saver to many of us over this last year of lockdowns and it make me very sad that individuals can even think of doing this mindless damage.
“They would not like us to spray a solvent over their smartphone, so why damage something that gives information about the area they are enjoying and gives pleasure to hundreds of our local residents and visitors?”