AT the Atworth WI meeting on Monday 18th September there were reports on our last meeting which was our annual cream tea, our monthly litterpick and day courses, which some of our members had attended.
Members were asked for suggestions for an outing in 2018. There were requests for volunteers to help at our Autumn Fair on Saturday 4th November at The Village Hall from 10 am –12 noon. As well as selling home baking, produce and plants, we have second-hand books, jigsaws and games, and for the first time, a Christmas crafts stall. Members have been busy for months making a variety of items for this stall. Cards and knitwear are amongst other goods available.
Our Treasurer gave us an update on the Denman appeal and of the successful WFWI Grand Auction held in August.
Instead of having a speaker this month we had an art activity led by Maggie Bunning, who runs art classes in the village hall. She demonstrated how the two halves of our brain interpret what we see.
We were given a drawing of a cat to copy; first, right way up and then to copy it when we had turned the drawing upside down. The results were very surprising as the upside down copy was better in every case. There was much amusement, along with intense concentration.
The competition for the best decorated paper plate with an autumn theme was won by Helen Snowball.
Our next meeting will be on Monday 16th October at 7.30pm when Dawn Lawrence will give us a talk entitled ‘Two steps behind.’
Helen Snowball