Melksham Cons Club latest charity race night held last month has raised over £4,500 for the local Motor Neurone Disease (MND) association.
“It was a huge success which meant we raised more than double our target,” said Keith Taylor, one of the organisers. “We would like to thank all those who supported the event, including the usual team of helpers; all those who provided a wonderful selection of raffle prizes; The Snooty Fox in Tetbury, Hatton Court Hotel, Gooding Accounts and Richard Hemmings windows for Cumberwell four balls and many more besides.
“Also a big thank you to the race sponsors and last but not least we must mention all those who attended the event and/or bought horses for the nine races to make it such an enjoyable evening.
“The race sponsors included AJM Engineering, T&S Lux Electrical, Carmatch UK, DMG driving school as well as a number of Cons Club teams – Cons C and D skittle teams, the quiz night participants and the poker players.
“There was also an unusual sponsor – Rodney Smith, better known as the Irish Wordsmith whose support was appreciated as ever. Avon Protection were the race night sponsor and kindly donated £500 and Tich Wiltshire and family added a magnificent £1,000!
“Thank you one and all, you made it a special night!”