LETTINGS director at Kingstons Estate Agents in Melksham, Alistair Saunders, ran his first marathon on Sunday 14th April raising money for Breast Cancer Now.
Alistair completed the Brighton Marathon, running 26.2 miles in four hours and six minutes. His final time was just short of his four hour target.
With his goal time in sight, Alistair has already signed up to run the marathon again next year to try to run under four hours.
The team at Kingstons Estate Agents said, “Alistair is raising money for the charity Breast Cancer Now; if you would like to make a donation please visit www.justgiving.com/fundraising/ alistair-saunders. A BIG thank you for your donation and Alistair is very grateful for your support.”
At the time of print, Alistair had raised £637.20 for the charity.