Local author Ted Tayler’s first novel ‘The Final Straw’ was voted ‘Quality Reads UK – Best Book Ever’ in a poll held over five weeks and closing on 10th September.
There were 10 finalists, and in a closely fought contest with American Greg Sandora (author of ‘American Destiny’) the lead changed hands on a couple of occasions until Ted finally won by just under 50 votes.
Ted said, “I have to thank my family and friends for their support, many of them not only voted for me, but persuaded many others to vote too! It was a close run thing and having such a strong Twitter following definitely helped improve my vote. The full details of the prize associated with this win have not been revealed yet, but the virtual tour has been extended until mid December. There have been seven Five Star reviews so far and the tour promises a further 25 reviews over the coming months. I have also signed up with BookBuzzr via the Orangeberry Book Tours site and this gives me access to many more marketing tools and opportunities. A further 10 reviews are due over the next few weeks from this site too.
“A success in a poll like this is no guarantee of thousands of book sales, but it does make you think you might be on the right track! I have almost completed a collection of short stories called ‘A Sting In The Tale’ which all include the sort of twist in the ending that hopefully the reader won’t be expecting; then I have to knuckle down to ‘Unfinished Business’ the sequel to ‘The Final Straw’. The next few months will be hectic that’s for sure.”
You can keep up with how Ted’s journey unfolds on his Author Page on www.facebook.com/ EdwardCTayler and his website at tedtayler.co.uk
Ted added, “Every writer has ambitions of a best seller, but for now I have to concentrate on building on the foundations that ‘The Final Straw’ has given me.”