WILTSHIRE Air Ambulance (WAA) is encouraging people to get on their bicycles and take part in the Wiltshire Big Wheel and Wiltshire 100 to raise money for the charity.
This is the second consecutive year that the charity is involved in the event. It takes place on Sunday 25th September and riders have a choice of a 12 mile family route, 45 miles or 100 miles. The ride, organised by Bristol-based Bike Events, starts and finishes at The Green, Devizes, and goes through the Vale of Pewsey. The 45 mile route goes to Marlborough and the 100 route takes in the Wylye Valley and Salisbury.
Sue Andrews, operations assistant at WAA, is planning to do the 12 mile route with her children Thomas, 11, and Ava, five.
Sue, who joined WAA in November 2015 said, “We cycle regularly as a family and are looking forward to the Big Wheel ride, it sounds fun. It’s great that the ride is raising funds for Wiltshire Air Ambulance. Since I’ve worked here I’ve been truly humbled at the generosity of all the people who fundraise for us and all the staff are a pleasure to work with. It is the happiest place I’ve worked in a long while.”
Kenresa Stratford, fundraising coordinator at WAA said, “Last year’s Wiltshire Big Wheel and Wiltshire 100 was our first major cycling event and it was a great success for us. People who took part expressed a wish to do it again. We’re thrilled to be the sole charity partner for the event this year.
“What a great event to do by keeping fit, spending time with the family, enjoying the wonderful Wiltshire countryside and fundraising to keep our helicopter flying and saving lives for anyone who lives, works or travels in Wiltshire.”
Registration is £5 for children. Adult entry costs £10 for the 12 mile route, £17.50 for the 45 mile route and £23 for the 100 mile route. There is no minimum fundraising target but, as an incentive, people who raise £75 will receive a medal on completion of the ride and those who raise £150 will receive a cycling jersey.
If you would like to sign up to take part or want more information email
kenresa@wiltshireairambulance.co.uk or visit www.wiltshireairambulance.co.uk